If you have a business, you may be prequalified for wholesale pricing! Please simply fill out the on-line account form and you will be informed of approval by email. Be sure to make note of your password. Or call us between 9 am and 4 pm at 1-800-719-9969 Pacific time and we will help you set-up your account.
You will receive your approval by email. Once approved, simply log-in and you will see both retail and wholesale pricing on the page.
If you are located in California and resll the products, you will need to fill out a California resellers certificate. Wholesale accounts will not be subject to sales tax provided we are 1) shipping out of state or 2) have a valid resellres certificate on file.
Freight will be free on orders above $1250, our choice of carrier.
Once you have submitted your form, we will review it and authorize your account for wholesale prices. Normally this happens quickly during business hours. You can also call us at 1-800-719-9969 or email: orders@gtxproductsgroup.com
Once you have been approved as a wholesale customer, log off the website and sign in using the username and password you entered on the form.